Guter Artikel über komprimierte Atemluft

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    Gene Hobbs, unter anderem für verantwortlich, rührt gerade auf vielen Listen (gavinscooters, divingaccidents) für folgenden Artikel die Werbetrommel - meiner Meinung nach eine sehr interessante Zusammenfassung zum Thema "komprimierte Atemluft" mit viele Aspekten, die sonst zu kurz kommen - aber lest selber, viel Spass damit! Gruss, tobi...

    There have been many discussions on contaminated breathing gas over the
    years. Last year, Drs. Millar and Mouldey published an extensive
    review in *Diving
    and Hyperbaric Medicine* on breathing gases and the potential problems
    associated with breathing gas production and storage.

    *Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine* is the journal of the South Pacific
    Underwater Medicine Society ( and European
    Underwater and Baromedical Society ( Our agreement
    with SPUMS includes a three year embargo on the journal for their members.
    Yesterday, the journal granted a waiver for this article due to the impact
    this information could have on divers worldwide. I HIGHLY encourage you to
    download this article and pass the link along to other divers as this is an
    often overlooked topic that impacts all of us. Instructors, please consider
    adding this to your training materials for 'Gas Mixing and Blending' courses
    as well as sending an email to your former students.

    This is an exceptional review and I hope that you learn as much from it as I

    Millar and Mouldey abstract:

    Human underwater activities rely on an adequate supply of breathable
    compressed gas, usually air, free from contaminants that could cause
    incapacitation underwater or post-dive or longer-term health effects.
    Potentially fatal but well-known hazards are hypoxia secondary to steel
    cylinder corrosion and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning due to contaminated
    intake air. Another phenomenon may be behind some previously unexplained
    episodes of underwater incapacitation and perhaps death: low-level CO
    poisoning and/or the effects of gaseous contaminants generated within the
    compressor, including toluene and other volatile compounds. Many low
    molecular weight volatile contaminants are anaesthetic and will be
    potentiated by pressure and nitrogen narcosis. In sub-anaesthetic doses,
    impaired judgement, lowered seizure threshold and sensitisation of the heart
    to arrhythmias may occur. Toxic compounds can be volatilised from some
    compressor oils, especially mineral oils, in overheated compressors, or be
    created de novo under certain combinations of temperature, humidity and
    pressure, perhaps catalysed by metal traces from compressor wear and tear.
    Most volatiles can be removed by activated carbon filtration but many
    filters are undersized and may overload in hot, moist conditions and with
    short dwell times. A compressor that passes normal testing could contaminate
    one or more cylinders after heating up and then return to producing clean
    air as the filters dry and the systems cool. The scope of this problem is
    very unclear as air quality is tested infrequently and often inadequately,
    even after fatalities. More research is needed as well as better education
    regarding the safe operation and limitations of high-pressure breathing air

    Millar IL, Mouldey PG. Compressed breathing air - the potential for evil
    from within. *Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine.* 2008; 38: 145-51. RRR ID:

    PLEASE NOTE: please use the link not a direct link to the
    pdf to help us save our bandwidth.


    Gene Hobbs
    Rubicon Foundation, Inc.